This month, we decided to ask Ajay a little bit about himself. Take a read to find out what he does on a day to day basis at MLG Healthcare and how he manages to relax at home.
Can you give us a two sentence bio about yourself?
I feel I am a passionate, hardworking and resourceful team player. I enjoy seeing the success of the business including the new department I currently work within – Maintenance and Development Team (MDT).
What do you do at MLG Healthcare on a daily basis?
MDT Fast Track new candidates contributing to the overall sales targets and business objectives while at the same time making sure high levels of compliance are maintained throughout for all our existing candidates.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
Every day is different! I love that it’s not a routine and even though it gets very difficult at times you are never bored. Plus I have a good strong team.
What advice were you given in your career that has stuck with you?
You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks. A quote by Winston Churchill casually quoted by our MD which stuck with me. Helps me to focus on the bigger picture.
As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Architect – then I found out that 50% of the architects never get a job once graduating. This may have changed now.
How do you relax when you’re not at work?
Karate, Yoga and eating…lots of eating!
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Completing my Degree
What is your most treasured possession?
My Mac (Computer)
Tell us something different about yourself?
I’m a veggie; you would never know if you saw me.
That’s it from us! Next month we’ll have a new spotlight so make sure to check back and find out what our team is getting up to.